Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 3 and 4

The past two days in class we have started talking about the battles of the Civil War. The last day three we did a scavenger hunt with the QR codes. I thought the it was a fun way to learn about the battles of the Civil War. Today, we split into two groups and one group researched the Battle of Gettysburg and One did the Campaign of Vicksburg. I did the Campaign of Vicksburg. We had to look up certain questions and about the battle then make a brochure using the information we colected.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


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Friday, November 16, 2012

Constitution and Slavery

The United States constitution is supporting slavery. The documents that we read in class have made it clear that the government wants slavery but tries to stay away from the subject as much as possible. Out of all the documents that we read there was only one that was really showed off its affection for slavery. All the writers of the constitution owned slavesamd didn't want to get rid of them. The slaves were the key to their success and they were the slaves they owned. Overall, the writers of the constitution supported slavery.

First of all the writers of the constitution were all slave owners. Slaves were apart of their everyday life and it made their life easier and made them more money. Why would the writers put something in the constitution that would make their lives harder and not make them as rich? According to Europians, blacks were less superior than whites so it was the whites job to keep the world civilized. They thought that they were superior and more civilized so the whites thought it was right to give the blacks the note uncivilized jobs. The whites thought ruling over we're more civilized.

In the constitution the writers also say the slaves are unequal. The people who wrote the constitution say the slaves only counted as three fifths of a person. The slaves weren't considered people they were only considered property of their owners. The slaves owners were allowed to do whatever they wanted to do with the slaves. The slaves were not allowed to react to anything or they would have been beat and whipped. The slaves were tricked into going with sellers and sold for a prophet. The slaves were treated the exact opposite of the whites.

All whites were allowed to own slaves. The constitution gave the whites the right to own slaves. The constitution writers thought that it was good to put the right to own slaves in the constitution. They didn't try to think about how the slaves would react. They were American and their natural rights were taken away because of the constitution. The constitution writers new they were taking away the rights of black Americans.

The constitution was very pro slavery. The constitution writers wanted a better life for them so they put the blacks through hell making them work for their personal gain. The whites would have been ruined without the slaves. They would have had to do the work themselves and they thought they were above all of the chore labor. The constitution fed the fire of slavery.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Photo 1

My pond

Last week and day 2

Last week we worked on our projects in class. Yesterday we received a document with information on a person that was either pro slavery or against slavery. Then we wrote down information about them and met with other members of our class to copy down their information. We also had to choose a challenge to try for 30 days as a result of the Ted talks videos. I decided to take a picture on my phone every day. So for the next 30 days I will post a picture of something.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 5 and 6

On Friday we took notes on battles in the beginning of the Rvolutionaru war. We learned how George Washington escaped from the British several times. Monday we had a scavenger hunt around the downstairs of the school. I thought this activity was extremely fun because of the competitive edge. Competing for extra points made the activity that much better. It was really fun getting to run around the school looking for the right we codes. Overall the last two days have been a great experience in learning about the revolution.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 3 and 4

On Wednesday we broke into two groups and we shared our information we pulled out from our article on the Decleration of Independence. This was good but it got noisy and almost became competitive to see who could be the most obnoxious. Then Thursday we had a sub and we wrote an essay on whether we believed we are still in, " times that try men's souls". I believe we are because of the war in Iraq for their independence.

Day 1 and 2

Monday we presented our "guests" in class. Overall I thought that it went well. I had a good time learning about the other students people and their history in the American Revolution. Tuesday, we broke up into groups of three and we read different parts of the Decleration of Independence. Then we had to make a twister tweet using 140 characters to describe our section. I thought that was fun creating a unique username and #'s.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Civic Values

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Voice Thread

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 5 and 6

On Wednesday, we talked about the Battle at Lexington and the events that followed. The British and Americans fought at Concord and the Americans the British had to retreat to Boston. The Americans were firing at them the whole way by using Guerrilla warfare. When the British got to Charlestown, they dig trenches on Bunker Hill preparing for an American attack the next day which didn't come. Today we talked about different opinions on American freedom. I read the Olive Branch partition and it stated that the Americans wanted to be more equal with Britain. It stated that the United States wanted to have the king's protection but be more equal.

Day 3 and 4

On Friday we talked about Paul Revere's ride. We determines that the other man who rode that night was more effective in announcing the British arrival. Paul Revere got the credit for the ride because he was a true patriot with history. On Tuesday we talked about the battle in Lexington and who fired the first shot. With the evidence we had I think that the americans fired first.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 5 and 6

Today in class we talked about George Washington and the French and Indian revolution. We found out that George Washington was a wealthy plantation owner for tobacco. When the French were threatening the British, George and his small militia attacked the French. This small attack startled the French but they quickly recovered and sent Washington running back to Virginia. When the war ended in 1763, Kimg George III was in dept so he taxed the colonies and this sparked the American Revolution.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

day 3 and 4

Yesterday, we worked on the ed cafe.I thought that this idea was pretty affective in order for all of us to learn about the first amendment. Although there were some flaws such as, some students didn't bring up good points, and others only talked for a short bit. Personally, I think that the freedom of speach is the most important, but the person in my group didn't give me strong notes on the subject and just made me confused. I think that this activity would work better if all the students went to the lab together to work on their topics as a team.

blog day 1 and 2

We went to the computer lab and worked on our projects. I played Do I have he Right. I learned a lot of the amendments in the constitution by playing this game. Then on Monday we talked about the Ferderalists and the anti-federalists. I brought up the point on James Madison being both sides. I learned that he liked the constitution just not all the ideas the federalists had.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Two presidents

In my opinion, why have two presidents when one works just fine for us for hundreds of years? I think that two presidents would bring up a lot of controversies and unnecessary arguments inside the government. One voice is better because they have the final decision and no arguing. I think that two presidents would be affective but not as affective as just one president. Overall, one president is superior over two presidents.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog days 3 and 4 Tuesday 18

The last two days on class we have been talking about the government. On Monday we read a document in class discussing the possibilities of one president or more. Most plans of the government decided that 1 was the right choice and so it was put into place. Today we read 2 documents on the three branches of government. We also had to make a spread out sheet showing all the functions of the three branches.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 1 and 2 in class 9/10-9/14

On Thursday in class we took the preamble test. After that we talked about what the founding fathers thought was the best for the newly formed United States government. Today we had a review of what work was being assigned for the next few weeks. We learned that we would have to blog every few nights and about new projects and updates on the ones that we already received. O reall it was good to have a review day just to make sure that we are all going in the right direction.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Artifacts that would describe me:

A golf club would be a very good artifact that describes me. Golf is my favorite sport and I love to get out on the course and play. Golf is such a relaxing and fun sport to play and you can play it all your life unlike most sports. Playing golf is a privilege because it is such an expensive sport and it's a good way to learn how to be patient. I also have many friends who golf so its always enjoyable out paying with them.

An American flag would also is a great artifact that describes me. My extended family has a couple war veterans. My grandfather fought of aircraft carriers in World War two. His ship actually was hit in a attack and was sunk and he survived the wreck. My cousin First Lt. Derek Hines fought over in Afghanistan and was killed in combat on September 1st, 2005. Because of the two veterans in my family I respect all veterans and soldiers of our country.

A picture of my family is the most important artifact that a scientist could find about me. My family is by far the most important thing in my life I couldn't imagine my life without them. I have two fantastic parents that would do anything to make my life better. I also have two younger sibilings that are great to me. My brother is the person that stands out to me the most out of my family. I am two years older than him and I can go to him to talk about anything. He is a great brother and friend. My life would very difficult without him.