Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Artifacts that would describe me:

A golf club would be a very good artifact that describes me. Golf is my favorite sport and I love to get out on the course and play. Golf is such a relaxing and fun sport to play and you can play it all your life unlike most sports. Playing golf is a privilege because it is such an expensive sport and it's a good way to learn how to be patient. I also have many friends who golf so its always enjoyable out paying with them.

An American flag would also is a great artifact that describes me. My extended family has a couple war veterans. My grandfather fought of aircraft carriers in World War two. His ship actually was hit in a attack and was sunk and he survived the wreck. My cousin First Lt. Derek Hines fought over in Afghanistan and was killed in combat on September 1st, 2005. Because of the two veterans in my family I respect all veterans and soldiers of our country.

A picture of my family is the most important artifact that a scientist could find about me. My family is by far the most important thing in my life I couldn't imagine my life without them. I have two fantastic parents that would do anything to make my life better. I also have two younger sibilings that are great to me. My brother is the person that stands out to me the most out of my family. I am two years older than him and I can go to him to talk about anything. He is a great brother and friend. My life would very difficult without him.

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